About the School

Crosspoint Academy - Strand is an urban, Christian-based, Holistic, Independent school providing quality education to children in the Helderberg area.

Located in the heart of Strand, overlooking the beach (near the Friedman & Cohen shop), the school is registered with the Western Cape Education Department (# 0100000361), overseen by The Crosspoint Foundation (NPO 194-108), and is itself a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 224-366).

And is “Accredited by Umalusi, Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training – accreditation number 24 SCH01 01154.”

Class sizes are limited to 24 learners per class, per teacher and are CAPS-aligned (using the government approved Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements educational standards as the chosen curriculum).

The school offers English as the Home Language, and Afrikaans as a First Additional Language. Each grade and class has a dedicated, qualified teacher.

Additionally, Teaching Assistants and Volunteers/Interns supplement the teachers and many of the daily activities with the children in school.

Futhermore, as a mainstream school, we provide care and inclusive support for children with Learning Differences.

Vision & Mission

VISION: In “guiding hearts and minds”, The Crosspoint Foundation and Crosspoint Academy focus not only on the academics for the child, but also their mental and emotional wellbeing. Much of a person’s health and learning is directly related to their psycho-social state. This wholistic approach embraces the connections of Spirit, Heart, Soul, Mind, and Body to fulfil the potential of the individual in a social context. With this, the child can excel in who they are without limitations to who they can be.

MISSION: To develop a wholistic child that grows into a young adult ready to face the world around them. Taking with them the energy, passion, and strength to overcome anything they face through embracing the values and vision engrained in them at Crosspoint Academy. This, with our Teaching Methodology, make our school unique.

  • Teaching Methodology: At Crosspoint Academy we use an International-style of teaching using “Active Learning”. The instruction given by teachers engage with students on their level allowing them to be active participants in their own learning process. Active learning is exciting and looks like everything from changing worksheet to a fun activity, pausing to reflect to role playing, small and large group discussions, hands-on tech, brainstorming, and case studies. Our teachers are always circulating the classroom to gauge student understanding of the topic. Formative assessment is our assessment of choice, using things like exit tickets, clip-board cruising, and classroom polls. However, we do follow the CAPS the curriculum and must take the formal assessments as required by the WCED. We feel our teaching methods prepare our students for these summative assessments more than any other type of teaching.


VALUES: The compassionate Heart of God is at the core of The Crosspoint Foundation and Crosspoint Academy; encompassing honesty, accountability, humility, and an energetic/proactive approach to life—impacting the diverse lives of the children, parents, teachers, staff, and all who pass through our door. We are “guiding hearts and minds” into altruistic leaders of tomorrow.

  • Heart of God / Compassion: We exist to grow both the heart and mind. We create children who care for one-another, their community, their culture, their country, and the world. We are moved by the needs of others to act in making a positive difference in their lives (even in the little ways).
  • Energetic / Proactive: Every day is a new day to begin fresh, excited, and ready to participate in the environment around us. We place our energy into being proactively ready for the school day ahead; and then energetically giving it our all as the facilitators of learning our students need.
  • Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable for our own actions, admit when we make mistakes, and strive to be our best selves for our fellow staff and our students.
  • Honesty: It is vital that honesty be held in high regard in all communications with each other, students, and parents. Even when faced with the vulnerability of expressing the truth and asking for forgiveness, honesty shows our students that the RIGHT way to handle life situations is always in a truthful way.
  • Humility: This allows for selflessness and dignity. We have and show humility by listening to and accepting others. Humility allows each one of us to be “great” in the hearts of others (a mentor). Humility creates an open mind and recognition of the strengths in ourselves and others.

Furthermore: we are blessed with the international support of project:help in Germany, Provisions of Grace in the United States, and through coorporations and other local / international organisations. And rely on the funding and donations of these and other organisations to succeed in providing a wholistic education for each child.